Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Here’s How You Can Easily Clean Your Bottled Water Dispenser

At Artesia springs, we take our customers’ health very seriously. Keeping that in mind, we are going to tell how you can easily as well as efficiently clean your bottled water cooler San Antonio.

To even be remotely interested in knowing how you should clean it, you need to understand why it is important to do so. The whole point of a water cooler is to have purified water. This water would not be so purified if you do not clean the very source it comes from.

Moving forward, here are the easy steps to clean your bottled water cooler San Antonio.

1. Remove the empty water bottle after unplugging the water cooler.
2. Remove the baffle and water guard
3. Take a long soft bristle brush and clean the inside after filling cleaning solution in the cooler reservoir.
4. Through the spigots, drain some of the cleaning solution. Let it set for not more than 2 min.
5. From the reservoir, drain the cleaning solution through the spigots into a bucket and then flush. 
6. Take clean water, and fill the reservoir with it. Next, rinse it thoroughly. Repeat the whole process two to three times.
7. Place the baffle and the water guard back at their place. Further, put the new water bottle on the cooler. 
8. Until the water flows, keep pressing spigots. Then plug in the water cooler.

Hence, whether it is your office water cooler San Antonio, or a water cooler at your house, make sure that it is cleaned at appropriate intervals.

The dirtiness of the water cooler can lead to various problems. Firstly, it would destroy the quality of water. This would make people avoid the consumption of water, eventually leading to dehydration.
Moreover, it can hamper the purification process of your drinking water. If the water consumed is impure, it will lead to illness and bad health for the consumers.

Artesia Springs has been providing best quality products like office water cooler San Antonio for a long time now. Our customers know how much we care about their health. We do not just sell you the products and bid a goodbye. We maintain a long and strong relationship with our customers and are always there for them. Our after sales services are as strong as the pre sale services. To place an order for bottled water delivery in San Antonio, call 210-637-5554.

Try us, today!   

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Is your Family Aware of these Water Pollution Facts?

Charity begins at home is a common saying! Much like charity, awareness begins at home too. Even when it comes to the basic water pollution facts, many people seem to hold either misconceptions or complete unawareness about it. We do not think enough about the generations to come, and what we would be handing over to them.Well, it is time you change that and we can help. Ensure quality water at home with water cooler San Antonio. To know more, get in touch with us.

Bottled water cooler San Antonio Office | water cooler San Antonio

By creating awareness amongst your family, especially the children, they would know how to contribute to the safety of their planet’s water.

Firstly, talk to them about where it all starts. Countless sea creatures are being harmed due to polluted ocean water. They easily mistake plastic trash for food, which they certainly are unable to digest. This causes an imbalance in the earth’s eco-system. Human pollution is what accumulates this garbage.

Next, you could tell them how serious the issue is. Water pollution has been causing illness and death almost every day. It can be as simple as falling sick due to the consumption of dirty water. Not every country has the luxury of clean water. In many countries, the water comes in contact with human or industrial waste. This water then becomes hazardous for human consumption. This becomes a bigger issue as it is not restricted to illness but has the potential to lead to death as well.

As we all know, sharing statistics makes the facts solid. The statistics relevant to this topic show that water pollution in fresh water, holds for about 3 million deaths each year. It becomes more depressing to hear that a huge number of these include death of children.

In the end, bring the spotlight on how rivers provide a small portion of the world’s fresh water. The National Geographic Society stated that out of all the water of the earth, only about three percent is fresh water. It gets worse when you get to know that most of this fresh water is not even accessible. Looking for someone to blame? Point your finger at the so-called smartest species of the planet, humans.

At least now that we know, that humans have caused pollution to the various fresh water resources, we can feel responsible about contributing towards a safer environment.
Trying to conserve water and reducing the use of pollutants is the least we could do. Another important thing is ensure that we use quality water at home or in office. Opting for a whole house filtration system or office water cooler San Antonio is the way to do it. For details, get in touch with Artesia Springs at 210-637-5554.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

How does a Whole House filtration system affect Water Quality?

In this blog, we are going to tell how a whole house filtration system San Antonio, can affect the water that you drink. As the name suggests, a “whole house” water filtration system would give filtered water to every single faucet in your house. However, the name does not tell you exactly what is filtered and what does the system do to your water.

whole house filtration system San Antonio | water filtration Corpus Christi

Let’s dig deeper into the what’s and how’s of a water filtration system San Antonio.

Filtered Water Overview
The water is treated at the municipal level well before it is provided to your house.What you should know is that the municipal water is treated with chlorine in order to kill harmful microorganisms. In order to clump together particles, aluminum is also added to it. Although, such treatment methods are approved by the government but to the ones who are absolutely health-conscious, such methods are not acceptable.
However unfortunate it is, these are the disinfecting methods that are the most cost-effective and are therefore used by the cities. Studies have shown that the exposure to aluminum and the consumption of chlorine and is unhealthy for us. The tap water includes other toxins like lead, iron, hydrogen sulphide, copper, arsenic, and chloride, making it even worse.

Now, let’s discuss how filtered water prevents such toxins from passing through.

What’s filtered from your water with a whole house filtration system San Antonio?
Sediment pre-filter is the first phase of the water filtration process. This filter is used to prevent sediments that are unwanted from flowing through the water pipes.
They include disease-causing microorganisms like parasites, bacteria, and viruses. This filter also helps in preventing lead from passing through.
The water filtration system San Antonio can also improve the taste of your drinking water along with improving its clarity. It doesn’t even end here.
When it comes to the second stage, the water gets treated by the mineral stone filter, activated carbon filter and The second stage helps in breaking down heavy metals, reducing chlorine and diminishing the build-up of scale. Along with everything else, it also helps in preventing the development of bacteria and algae before the water passes along.
The filtration can further be enhanced by add-ons such as UV filter and a sub-micron post-filter

For the best whole house filtration system San Antonio and Corpus Christi, get in touch with us at Artesia Springs.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Why is a Whole House Filtration System the Perfect Christmas Gift?

If you are one of those who has been, procrastinating taking a whole house filtration system San Antonio, now would be the perfect time to go for it. Since the holidays are coming up really soon, it makes buying a water filtration system San Antonio, a great idea. There are many aspects of the holiday season that can be made simpler with the help of a water filtration system.

whole house filtration system San Antonio | Water filtration San Antonio

Speaking to an expert and ensuring that you have your system implemented at your place before the season would enable you to enjoy the various benefits of much purer and cleaner water.
There are multiple perquisites of a whole house filtration system San Antonio during the holiday season. Let’s have a look.

1. Showers and baths that are guest friendly

When guests come over for the holidays, the nights get longer with deep conversation and fun activities. The next morning, they would love nothing better than filtered water in their morning showers. They would be rejuvenated unlike from a bath with hard water. Happy guests can always uplift the mood of the house. We all know that no one likes cranky guests at their place. Just make sure that you have a great and trusted water filtration system San Antonio that gives you clear and filtered water coming out from each tap in the house.

2. Everything would taste better

When the water is filtered, it is simply better tasting. This water is used for cooking so many things in the house. Of course, when guests come over, the food does not stop coming up.  Apart from this, you make tea and coffee from this water. It automatically tastes delicious, without having to buy a new fancy coffee maker. Scrumptious food leads to cheerful guests.

3. You are giving them the best gift

Holidays are a time when the giving and receiving of gifts is highly thought of. At a time like this, you want to gift your guests something that is unique and would truly make them happy. Well, there is no better gift than the gift of health. By providing them food made with quality filtered water and showers that provide no hard water, you would be gifting them a great skin and health.

Therefore, it’s the best time for you to get a great whole house filtration system San Antonio and just await your guests’ endless compliments.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

The Best Way to Design Your Customized Water Label

When a bottled water company San Antonio gives you the opportunity to have custom bottled water Corpus Christi you should know how to take the full advantage of it. The best part about a custom bottled water Corpus Christi is that it can be used in various promotional ways.   

custom bottled water Corpus Christi | Bottled Water Company San Antonio

However, to use this opportunity to its full potential you need to know the best way to design your customized water label.
That’s where we come in with this blog. Here, we are going to tell you a few creative ways to design a custom label. Have a look -
  • A Corporate Message with the Basic Logo
Putting your brand’s logo and a corporate message such as your vision or mission does two very important things for your company. It creates immediate brand awareness in the market along with keeping it extremely straightforward. 
  • Offers and Coupons
When it comes to a label that is customized it gives you the space to add things like coupons as well as special offers. A great idea can be to include a limited-time offer for the customers by keeping a promo code on the company’s custom label. This way, when buyers visit your website, they have the opportunity to use the promo code for any particular freebie or discount. This highly benefits your company by creating a give/take relationship and starting a conversation with your potential clients or customers.
  • Creating Awareness of Upcoming Events
A customized label can carry information about the upcoming events of your company. It’s a great way to promote the event among the public.  The information would need to be concise as well as creative at the same time.
  • Messages that Educate
If your company is in the field of education, then you can creatively add bits of facts and exciting information on the label to educate the customers. It’s an innovative way to represent what your company provides.
  • Creating Awareness about New Products and Services
Just like upcoming events, you can also let your customers know about the new products or services that you are going to bring on the table.
By using, the services of great bottled water company San Antonio you can show your customers how creative you can be. They will always appreciate it. Artesia Springs LLC offers you the best custom bottled water services.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Consuming Water at Workplace - Building Healthy Habits

Inside the vast universe, there are immense number of organisms. Some of them are even made up of up to 90% water. As for human bodies, we are composed of around 73% of water. This is why great emphasis is made on hydrating yourself.Therefore, when it comes to the place where you spend a majority of your hours throughout the day, it is only logical to have a good provision of water there. What is the best way to keep your body hydrated at workplace? First step would be having solid plans of bottled water delivery service San Antonio. Staying hydrated throughout the day is important to ensure physical as well as mental well-being of our body.

 bottled water home delivery San Antonio |  bottled water delivery San Antonio.

Water Coolers at the Workplace and their Importance

If you have your own business then you know how important it is to take care of your human resources. On the other hand, if you are an employee then you want your workplace to have a healthy and happy environment. Either way, the presence of water is imperative.
The best part is that this can easily be taken care of with services like bottled water home delivery San Antonio.
Taking the hydration of your employees lightly would affect their productivity, eventually, affecting your business growth. Studies have shown that lack of water in the body can damage the immunity system inviting the attack of various diseases. This would cause the absence of your employees to increase, leading to missed deadlines and an imbalance in the work environment. 

Choose your Provider Carefully

Your duty as an employer is not only making the water available to your employees but to make sure that the quality of that water is up to the mark. This signifies that you need to go for a bottled water delivery service San Antonio that you can trust. The water should be pure and of a favorable taste.
However, when you fail to provide water at the workplace the employees would be dehydrated. This could also lead to problems related to awareness, concentration, and memory. On the other hand, if you go for a bottled water home delivery San Antonio you will be able to provide water to your employees effortlessly. They would be hydrated and refreshed and would be able to perform daily tasks to the best of their abilities.

It is time to realize the importance of water at your workplace.  If you do not have a good provision of water at your workplace then take the right step NOW! Place your order at www.artesiasprings.com/online-order/ordermanagement.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Health and Business Benefits of Bottled Water Cooler in San Antonio

A bottle water cooler in your premises has numerous health and business benefits. Yes! As surprising as it may sound, a bottled water cooler in San Antonio can actually benefit not only your health but your business as well. As a provider of bottled water delivery service San Antonio, we know this to be true.
The bottled water coolers in San Antonio have become quite popular. The reason behind this popularity is increasing health consciousness of the people. 

 bottled water coolers in San Antonio | Bottled Water San Antonio

When it comes to consumption of tap water, it will not be a wise choice. It has been found that tap water consists of toxins. These may include fluoride and chlorine by-products, heavy metals as well as vestiges coming from both recreational drugs and pharmaceutical. In fact, fluoride and chlorine by-products are proven to be carcinogenic.

However, we know you need more than that to believe in the benefits of the cooler. Therefore, here we are with solid explanations as to how the cooler would benefit you and your business.

The law asks business owners to provide their workers with fresh drinking water throughout the entire day. This makes the purchase of bottled water coolers increase to an extent.

But, the thought that popped up in the minds of business owners was that this would lead to the lack of productivity. They thought that the personnel would waste their time chit chatting around this common spot with the excuse of water. Of course, this is not what actually happened. However, what actually happened was surprising to the owners.-

Here’s how it all worked out so positively for them

  • Once the personnel had access to fresh drinking water with the help of the water cooler it improved their productivity. This is because our brain is 85% water and needs enough liquids to work efficiently.

  • Being hydrated as well as taking a water break to refresh made the workforce happier than ever. Happy human resources majorly benefit the business.

  • Hydration also helped increase their brain activity while working.The employees felt more energetic and alert for longer hours.Not only were they happy but they became healthier as well.

Therefore, if you still don’t have a bottled water cooler then it’s time for you to get one immediately. 
If you are looking for the best bottled water delivery service in San Antonio  then contact ‘Artesia Springs’. We provide various other products apart from the bottled water cooler. Visit our online store to order Artesia Springs bottled water products.